Sunday, May 30, 2010
Jackass of the Week

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Governor Palin: Announce Now
Sunday, May 23, 2010
50 Best State GOP Electoral Successes - California


Next Week: Colorado
Jackass of the Week
By now, only political junkies living under a rock haven't heard the bombshell (Please pardon the numerous battle terms that are sure to follow.) story broken by the New York Times, which unearthed that prior claims by current AG and 2010 Senate candidate Dick Blumenthal (D - CONN) that he served in the Vietnam War were patently false. On numerous instances he wrapped himself in the service of real Vietnam soldiers, using the word "we" when describing the return of soldiers back to the states after service. And he has a documented history of saying he served "in" Vietnam, instead of "during" the Vietnam War years. (What is it about Democrats, and ones that spent years as lawyers learning to parse words, that we are supposed to believe they get confused on the use of the smallest, simplest words like "in" and "is?"). Though he never claimed he was on the front lines during the Tet Offensive or spent Christmas in Cambodia like a former recent presidential candidate, Mr. Blumenthal had skated through his political career with supporters and media alike (I repeat myself, sorry.) believing he had honorably served overseas IN the Vietnam War, not just doing his part in the Reserves thousands of miles away.

Elliott Storm is a Blumenthal supporter. The campaign called him and asked him to show up; he called up his friends in the “Vet Pack” to join him, friends who, like him, travel around the country talking about ex-soldiers who contend with post traumatic stress syndrome.

Post-Game Analysis: HI-01
Metric: Djou 37 - Case 27 - Hanabusa 24 (Djou +10)
Final: Djou 40 - Hanabusa 31 - Case 28 (Djou +10)
Our metric nailed the margin. We allocated undecideds and we overstated Djou's win by 7 points. Surprisingly, despite the strange nature of the race (mail in ballots only), and a surprisingly high participation (54%), Merriman did a good job nailing Djou's level of support and seeing Case's support drop in the last few weeks. Merriman was the only pollster to have Hanabusa 2nd, albeit with a tie.
Most Accurate Pollster: Merriman - Djou 40 - Hanabusa 26 - Case 26 (Djou +14)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Post-Game Analysis
This post-game analysis will give an insight on the polling averages vs. the final outcomes and the best pollster of the race.
KY-Sen (GOP):
Metric: Paul 51 - Greyson 32 (Paul +19)
Final: Paul 59 - Greyson 35 (Paul +24)
Our metric was off by 5 points. We allocated undecideds and were off by only 2 points. But overall, the pollsters, even the best in the business, missed the margin. Magellan, a partisan firm, surprisingly nailed the "Rand-slide".
Most Accurate Pollster: Magellan (R) - Paul 55 - Greyson 30 (Paul +25)
KY-Sen (Dem):
Metric: Mongiardo 38 - Conway 34 (Mongiardo +4)
Final: Conway 44 - Mongiardo 43 (Conway +1)
Our metric was off by 5 points. We declined to allocate undecideds in this race. Conway surged just a few weeks before election day and hit a wall. But he managed to squeak through with a 1 percent win and was arguably the 2nd most shocking outcome of Tuesday. No one showed Conway with a lead, but Survey USA did show a 1 point race.
Most Accurate Pollster: Survey USA - Mongiardo 38 - Conway 37 (Mongiardo +1)
PA-Sen (Dem):
Metric: Specter 43 - Sestak 42 (Specter +0)
Final: Sestak 54 - Specter 46 (Sestak +8)
Our metric was off by 8 points. Specter led most polls and in the last week, showed a consolidation of his base, but that wasn't enough. The undecideds broke for Sestak in a big way. Heavy rain in Philadelphia suppressed turnout for Specter and his opponent's performance may have been overstated. Suffolk almost nailed the result.
Most Accurate Pollster: Suffolk - Sestak 49 - Specter 40 (Sestak +9)
PA-Gov (Dem):
Metric: Onorato 36 - Wagner 10 (Onorato +26)
Final: Onorato 45 - Wagner 24 (Onorato +21)
No surprises here. Our metric was off 5 points, but accurately predicted a win for Onorato in the 20's. Polling was all over the map. Rasmussen came closest but they were still 4 points off.
Most Accurate Pollster: Rasmussen - Onorato 34 - Wagner 17 (Onorato +17)
AR-Sen (Dem):
Metric: Lincoln 44 - Halter 34 (Lincoln +10)
Final: Lincoln 45 - Halter 43 (Lincoln +2)
Our metric was off 8 points. The surprises here lay with the margin of victory. Almost all pollsters showed a huge lead for Blanche Lincoln. Talk Business was the most conservative in its estimate for Lincoln's lead, but they were still 5 points off the final result.
Most Accurate Pollster: Talk Business - Lincoln 38 - Halter 31 (Lincoln +7)
AR-Sen (GOP):
Metric: Boozman 46 - Holt 14 (Boozman +32)
Final: Boozman 53 - Holt 17 (Boozman +36)
Our metric was off 4 points. Talk Business did a great job in the GOP side. They were off by only 2 points.
Most Accurate Pollster: Talk Business - Boozman 46 - Holt 8 (Boozman +38)
OR-Gov (GOP):
Metric: Dudley 39 - Alley 23 (Dudley +16)
Final: Dudley 40 - Alley 32 (Dudley +8)
Our metric was off 8 points. Survey USA, the nation's most reputable pollster, was surprisingly off. They overstated Dudley's support in a big way. Portland Tribune's poll, conducted around the same time, nailed the margin much better and were off by only 2 points.
Most Accurate Pollster: Portland Tribune - Dudley 33 - Alley 23 (Dudley +10)
OR-Gov (Dem):
Metric: Kitzhaber 57 - Bradbury 24 (Kitzhaber +33)
Final: Kitzhaber 66 - Bradbury 30 (Kitzhaber +36)
Our metric was off by 3 points. Survey USA nailed the Dem side of the Governor race. They were off by only 2 points.
Most Accurate Pollster: Survey USA - Kitzhaber 59 - Bradbury 25 (Kitzhaber +34)
Metric: Burns 45 - Critz 45 (Tie)
Final: Critz 53 - Burns 45 (Critz + 8)
The metric was off by 8 points in this special election. PPP released the last poll of the cycle, showing a Burns lead of 1 point. Our metric actually showed a very slight Critz win, but we decided to allocate the undecideds and gave Burns an edge. The heated primary between Sestak and Specter drove up turnout in the district and Critz won by 8 points, essentially picking up 100% of undecideds according to the metric. None of the recent polling nailed the race, but a month old poll from Global Strategy nailed the final result.
Most Accurate Pollster: Global Strategy - Critz 45 - Burns 37 (Critz +8)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Live Blogging: Election Results
AR: 38% in. Lincoln leads 44-42. Boozman leads 50-16.
AR: 20% in. Lincoln leads 48-39. Boozman leads 52-16.
PA-12: Critz wins special election. Burns concedes.
PA-12: 76% in. Critz leads 54-44.
Let's re-cap the winners:
Corbett (R) vs. Onorato (D)
Toomey (R) vs. Sestak (D)
Paul (R) vs. Conway (D)
Now, on to AR and OR.
PA: AP declares Sestak winner of PA Democratic primary.
PA-12: 51% in. Critz leads 55-43.
AR: 6% in. Lincoln leads 50-38. Boozman leads 52-14.
PA: 53% in. Sestak leads 53-47.
KY: Conway declared winner in Dem primary. Wins 44-43. He will face off Rand Paul in November.
KY: 96% in. Conway leads 44-43.
PA: 40% in. Sestak now leads 51-49. Most of Philadelphia has reported (Specter's stronghold). Sestak likely to take the nomination.
PA: 37% in. Sestak takes a slim lead for the first time, but still tied 50-50.
PA: 36% in. Specter and Sestak still tied 50-50.
PA: AP declares Corbett winner in GOP Governor primary. No surprise there.
PA-12: 13% in. Democrat Critz leads 59-39.
PA: 30% in. Specter and Sestak tied 50-50.
KY: 90% in. Conway leads 45-43.
PA: 24% in. Specter leads 51-49. Sestak is closing in.
AR: 1% in. Lincoln leads 48-40. Boozman leads 51-14.
KY: 87% in. Conway leads 45-42.
PA: 19% in. Specter leads 52-48.
KY: 83% in. Conway leads 46-41.
PA: 11% in. Specter leads 55-45.
PA: 3% in. Specter leads 65-35.
KY: 74% in. Conway leads 47-41. Mongiardo closing in. Too close to call at this point.
AR: Early returns show Lincoln ahead 43-41. Boozman leads 35-22.
PA: Less than 1% in. Specter ahead of Sestak 66-34.
AR: Polls have just closed.
PA: Corbett and Toomey lead on the GOP side (no surprises). We probably won't report on these sure winners.
KY: 60% in. Conway leads 47.7-40.2.
PA: Polls have closed. Results coming in.
KY: 49% in. Conway leads 48.2-39.7
KY: 42% in. Conway leads 48.7-39.3.
KY: 41% in. Conway leads 49.0-39.1. Lead is shrinking.
Rand Paul declared winner by AP.
KY: 36% in. Paul leads 58.9-36.5. Conway leads 48.6-38.9.
KY: 26% in. Paul leads 58.3-37.1. Conway leads 49.6-37.8.
KY: 16% in. Paul leads 51.6-34.0. Conway leads 47.0-40.3.
KY: 14% in. Paul leads 51.5-33.9. Conway leads 46.7-40.4.
KY: 13% in. Paul leads 51.3-33.6. Conway leads 47.2-40.0. The Democrat side is fluctuating wildly.
PA-Gov: Onorato Leads Crowded Dem Field Comfortably
Pennsylvania Governor (Republican Primary)
Tom Corbett (Unchallenged)
Pennyslvania Governor (Democratic Primary)
Dan Onorato 36%
Jack Wagner 10%
Anthony Williams 10%
Joe Hoeffel 8%
Undecided 36%
Onorato +26%
Race News:
Like Oregon, there are no real surprises in the open primary fields of both parties in Pennsylvania.
The primary election is tomorrow, May 18. (Posting this at 2:27 AM PDT, so technically the election is today)
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
OR-Gov: Dudley Leads GOP Field, Kitzhaber Leads Dems
Oregon Governor (Republican Primary)
Chris Dudley 39%
Allen Alley 23%
John Lim 8%
Bill Sizemore 7%
Other 4%
Undecided 19%
Dudley +16%
Oregon Governor (Democratic Primary)
John Kitzhaber 57%
Bill Bradbury 24%
Roger Obrist 3%
Undecided 16%
Kitzhaber +33%
Race News:
With minimal polling, we do have clear winners in the Gubernatorial primaries in Oregon. Former NBA player Chris Dudley towers over the GOP field, while former Governor John Kitzhaber leads the Democratic field with a clear majority.
There should be no surprises tomorrow in the Oregon gubernatorial primary.
The primary election is tomorrow, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
HI-01: Djou Leads By Double Digits
HI-01 (Special Election)
Charles Djou (R) 37%
Ed Case (D) 27%
Colleen Hanabusa 24%
Undecided 12%
Djou +10%
Race News:
The DNC pulls out of the Hawaii's first district race, signaling a momentum by Djou. In our current analysis, he increases his lead over Ed Case by double digits. Among those who have voted, according to the latest Merriman River Group poll, Djou garners 45% support.
After we allocate our undecided voters, we find a very similar model to the early voting patterns:
Charles Djou (R) 46%
Ed Case (D) 29%
Colleen Hanabusa 26%
Djou +17%
The special election is happening now via mail and ballots will be accepted for another five days, till May 22 at 6 PM. Voting centers are open from May 10 to May 21, but will be closed on May 22.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
Monday, May 17, 2010
AR-Sen Primary: Lincoln, Boozman Likely To Avoid Runoff
Arkansas Senate (Republican Primary)
John Boozman 46%
Jim Holt 14%
Gilbert Baker 12%
Kim Hendren 4%
Other 7%
Undecided 17%
Boozman +32%
Arkansas Senate (Democratic Primary)
Blanche Lincoln (inc) 44%
Bill Halter 34%
D.C. Morrisson 4%
Undecided 18%
Lincoln +10%
Race News:
Polling has been scarce on the AR GOP Primary, but the metric shows John Boozman with a clear 32% lead over Jim Holt. Holt is even polling ahead of once-frontrunner Gilbert Baker. Boozman only needs to pick up 4% of the pool of 17% undecideds to avoid a runoff. The numbers are on his side.
Democratic incumbent Blanche Lincoln is consolidating her support and looks set to win her primary. If she doesn't reach 50%, there will be a runoff, but with a solid 44 percent of support, she only needs to pick up a third, 6% of the 18% of undecideds to win this without a runoff. This is likely to happen tomorrow.
The primary election is tomorrow, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
PA-Sen Primary: Statistical Tie, Slight Edge To Specter
Pennsylvania Senate (Republican Primary)
Pat Toomey (Unchallenged)
Pennsylvania Senate (Democratic Primary)
Arlen Specter (inc) 42.5%
Joe Sestak 42.1%
Undecided/Other 15.4%
Specter +0.4%
Race News:
The Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary is shaping up to be a real nailbiter. Incumbent Arlen Specter is ahead according to the metric, despite a surge by Sestak which eventually stalled mid-week. We will not make a prediction on allocating undecideds and will allocate evenly, predicting Specter will narrowly pull this one out by around 1%.
The primary election is tomorrow, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
KY-Sen Primary: Paul has Majority, Mongarido with Slight Lead
Kentucky Senate (Republican Primary)
Rand Paul 51%
Trey Grayson 32%
Undecided 17%
Paul +19%
Kentucky Senate (Democratic Primary)
Daniel Mongiardo 38%
Jack Conway 34%
Undecided/Other 28%
Mongiardo +4%
Race News:
There are 17% Undecided Likely Voters. After allocating our undecided voters, we get:
Rand Paul 61%
Trey Greyson 39%
Paul +22
Minds are made up in the Republican primary. Rand Paul is over 50% with a clear majority on his side.
The Democrats, on the other hand, remain largely undecided. We will not make any allocations on the undecideds but instead give a slight edge to Mongiardo.
The primary election is tomorrow, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
PA-12: Toss-Up - Slight Edge To GOP
PA-12 (Special Election)
Tim Burns (R) 45%
Mark Critz (D) 45%
Undecided 10%
Race News:
There are 10% Undecided Likely Voters. After allocating our undecided voters, we get:
Tim Burns (R) 51%
Mark Critz (D) 49%
Burns +2
A week is an eternity in politics. Just a week ago, it looked like the Republican was sure to pick up this seat, due to the nature of the special election and the district's demographics. However, with the primary election for Senate held the same day, a heated primary on the Democratic side between incumbent Arlen Specter and Joe Sestak, is putting more attention to this race, mostly from Democrats. Pollsters disagree on the extent of this event's effect on the turnout model.
Burns, the Republican, is leading in the latest poll, done by PPP, a Democratic pollster. He consistently receives about 20 percent of Democrats, has double digit leads with Independents and consolidates his Republican base. Similar models have given Republicans Scott Brown, Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell's races, despite significant disadvantages in registration in those states. We will likely see a similar scenario with Burns, but will not be surprised if Critz prevails.
This will be a true test of the Get-Out-The-Vote mechanisms of both parties.
The special election is tomorrow, on May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Jackass of the Week
Not that wizard-of-smart Hebson (Anyone care to lay bets on which political party she is registered with currently?) has never been a stranger to injecting herself into political controversy. According to FoxNews.com,
The school official who nixed a girls' high school basketball team's planned trip to Arizona once supported a controversial program that required ninth-graders to attend a “freshman advisory” class at which gay upperclassmen shared stories of their high school experiences. Parents who were unhappy with the class were even more outraged to learn that students who attended were asked to sign a statement promising not to tell others -- including their parents -- about what was said in class...
In 2007, when she was assistant superintendent for human resources in the district, Hebson made national news for supporting an initiative at Deerfield High School that required freshman students to participate in orientation panel discussions, one of which was led by members of the school’s Straight and Gay Alliance Network. During the seminars, upperclassmen spoke to the ninth graders about a variety of topics affecting homosexual teens, including their own personal experiences -- and all students were required to sign confidentiality agreements swearing never to disclose what they heard.
Parents were not allowed to attend the panel discussions, leading some to call it an attempt to indoctrinate students into a homosexual lifestyle.
...The following year, Hebson was made principal of Deerfield High School, where she became embroiled in another controversy — this time related to the inclusion of the play “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” in students’ required reading material.
Parents were alarmed by the book’s explicit content, which includes highly offensive racial slurs, vivid depictions of gay sex and a sexually explicit scene involving Mother Teresa.
Those who can't do, teach. And apparently many that can't teach become school administrators. Hopefully the community around Highland Park High will rally and raise enough funds, via bake sales, car washes, and other such activities, to send the ladies to Arizona to compete. Until then, they can thank not-so-super-intendent Hebson for injecting politics (those with views on the Arizona immigration bill which are in the clear minority, according to every poll this side of American Idol) into the area of high school girls sports. Letters of protest from concerned citizens to Suzan Hebson should thus begin with the salutation "Dear Jackass of the Week..."
50 Best State GOP Electoral Successes - Arkansas

Next in our continuing "50 Best" series, we honor the Razorback state of Arkansas. Historically known for the successes of some powerful Democrats, such as former president Bill Clinton (D - Playboy Mansion) and his political mentor J. William Fulbright, Arkansas Republicans had seen rare victories until recently. Until one-termer Tim Hutchinson, the GOP hadn't had a U.S. Senator representing the state in 120 years. And for 92 years up until 1967 Arkansas didn't have a single U.S. Rep under the GOP banner. That is, until John Paul Hammerschmidt, who went on to represent Arkansas' 3rd Congressional district for 13 terms until his retirement in 1993.

Hammerschmidt was born in Harrison, which is tucked in NW Arkansas, in 1922. He founded the Hammerschmidt Lumber Company and became its president. He was also president of the Construction Products Company and the president of the Arkansas Lumber Dealers Association and the Southwestern Lumberman's Association (wiki/John_P._Hammerschmidt).

- 50 Best
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
PA-Sen Primary: Sestak Surge Questionable
Pennsylvania (Democratic Primary)
Arlen Specter (D-inc) 45%
Joe Sestak 41%
Undecided 14%
Specter +4%
Race News:
Despite a good last few days of polling for Democratic primary challenger Joe Sestak, Arlen Specter seems to be consolidating his base just fine. With all the recent polling, some polls showing Sestak ahead, we're still seeing a fairly stable 4 percent lead for Specter with Sestak's numbers essentially unmoved from Sunday. We will take one more look at the race but we're still giving a slight advantage for Specter at this point.
The primary election is in six days, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
IL-Sen: Kirk Moves To The Lead
Mark Kirk (R) 42%
Alexi Giannoulias (D) 38%
Undecided 20%
Kirk +4%
Race News:
The Broadway Bank scandal has taken its toll on Democrat Alexi Giannoulias's credibility. As news of this scandal blankets the media, Giannoulias's numbers have subsequently dropped. Kirk is not letting this crisis go to waste as he reminds voters about Giannoulias's mismanagement of finances in his latest campaign ads.
Despite the overwhelming Democratic advantage in Illinois, it has become apparent that Kirk is the frontrunner. Cook has changed his rating from Toss-up to Lean Republican. We believe the current polls are understating Kirk's support, but he will definitely have an advantage with undecideds come election day and we will see his 4% lead grow.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
IN-Sen: Coats Leads By 16
Dan Coats (R) 50%
Brad Ellsworth (D) 34%
Undecided 16%
Coats +16%
Race News:
Dan Coats (R-IN) won the Republican nomination last week in Indiana's primaries, to no one's surprise. The first post-primary poll was released this week by Rasmussen, 51-36. Taking into account previous polls where Coats has been leading, this also comes as no surprise.
The partisan Republican lean of the state and the national climate will make this open seat an easy pickup for Republicans in November.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
The Great RINO Hunt of 2010, Cont.


PA-12: Burns Leads By 2%
PA-12 (Special Election)
Tim Burns (R) 42%
Mark Critz (D) 40%
Undecided 18%
Burns +2%
Race News:
A special election in Pennsylvania's 12th district results from the unfortunate death of Congressman Jack Murtha (D-PA), who had represented this district for several decades. He was an anomaly of sorts, as the district leaned Republican. The district itself is also the only district to go for John Kerry (D) in 2004 and John McCain in 2008, one of the few districts that became more conservative than in past elections.
All recent polling, even from left-leaning Daily Kos, has shown the Republican with a clear advantage. Charlie Cook has also moved his rating for this district to Lean GOP. The Republican is favored to pick up a majority of the undecideds due to the district's lean, demographics and overall disapproval numbers of Obama and Democrats.
The special election is in nine days, on May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
HI-01: Djou Leads By 3%
HI-01 (Special Election)
Charles Djou (R) 34%
Ed Case (D) 31%
Colleen Hanabusa 23%
Undecided 12%
Djou +3%
Race News:
A special election in Hawaii's first district, home of Barack Obama, is likely to fall to Republicans due to a lack of a primary. 2 Democrats, perennial candidate Case and liberal darling, Hanabusa, are running and splitting the vote.
All recent polling, even internal polling from the DNC, shows the Republican, Djou, ahead. At this point, the Democratic establishment has stopped funding the race and it looks like Djou will pick up a healthy share of the undecideds.
The special election is happening now via mail and ballots will be accepted for another thirteen days, till May 22 at 6 PM. Voting centers are open from May 10 to May 21, but will be closed on May 22.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
PA-Sen Primary: Sestak Closing In On Specter
Pennsylvania (Democratic Primary)
Arlen Specter (D-inc) 45%
Joe Sestak 40%
Undecided 15%
Specter +5%
Race News:
After switching parties seemingly to avoid a contested primary on the GOP side, Arlen Specter, now a Democrat, is fending off a challenge by Joe Sestak. The electorate is quickly deciding and this is looking to be one of the most contested primaries of 2010. Sestak has gained momentum in the last week, so our next update may put him ahead if he maintains that momentum.
The primary election is in nine days, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
AR-Sen Primary: Lincoln Looks Safe
Arkansas Senate (Democratic Primary)
Blanche Lincoln (D-inc) 43%
Bill Halter 32%
Undecided/Other 25%
Lincoln +9%
Race News:
Democratic incumbent Blanche Lincoln is being challenged in a primary by Lt Gov. Bill Halter. Bill Halter is running to the left of Lincoln. Despite being the preferred choice of the base, Arkansan Democrats seem to be lining up behind Blanche and will likely re-nominate her.
The primary election is in nine days, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
KY-Sen Primary: Paul, Mongiardo Lead
Kentucky Senate (Republican Primary)
Rand Paul 44%
Trey Grayson 29%
Undecided 27%
Paul +15%
Kentucky Senate (Democratic Primary)
Daniel Mongiardo 37%
Jack Conway 29%
Bill Johnson 4%
Undecided 30%
Mongiardo +8%
Race News:
Nothing has changed in the KY-Sen primary on the Republican side. Despite ramped up advertising by Greyson, Paul maintains a healthy 15 point advantage.
On the Democrats' side, Mongiardo's numbers have come down slightly but still commands an 8 percent lead over Conway. Conway's base of support has not actually increased as much as Mongiardo's coming down. 30 percent of the Democratic electorate is still undecided. This has the potential to get interesting.
The primary election is in nine days, May 18.
*All calculations are made from our in-house metric, which accurately predicted outcomes in all recent elections (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, MA-Sen, TX-Gov Primary)
50 Best State GOP Electoral Successes - Arizona
Next in our continuing series subtitled "The 50 Best GOP from the U.S. 50, over the last 50 years" we'll be honoring the Grand Canyon state. Putting aside the humongously-large and powerful state of California, Arizona may have had more significant congressional leaders/Senators for any state west of the Mississippi over these last 50 years. Hence there are many honorees to choose from, and some good GOPers since 1960 will not make the cut. But considering his effect on the politics and partisanship of the state over this period, late Senator Barry Goldwater is the near-unanimous choice for the honor of representing the mavericky state of Arizona.

- 50 Best
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Jackass of the Week: Mid-Week Nominee

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Primary Elections Today: IN, NC, OH
On the GOP side, the little polling that has been released for the Indiana race shows a double-digit advantage for former Senator Dan Coats. Hostettler and Stutzman have shown no momentum in polling.
On the Dem side, Brad Ellsworth is the expected nominee for US Senate.
On the GOP side, Rob Portman is the expected nominee for US Senate.
On the Dem side, the polling shows a consistent double-digit advantage for Lee Fisher. Jennifer Brunner, who was running neck and neck with Fisher last year, has seen any momentum fall flat.
On the GOP side, Senator Richard Burr is the expected nominee.
On the Dem side, Elaine Marshall has polled ahead of Cal Cunningham by single digits. We expect her to win the nomination, unless the mostly undecided electorate decides to overwhelmingly support her opponent.
On the GOP side, John Kasich is the expected nominee.
On the Dem side, Governor Ted Strickland is the expected nominee, as he runs for re-election.