Barely into the primary season, and the tea party movement can already officially claim a scalp. The bald head in this case being that of 3-term U.S. Senator, Bob Bennett (R - Utah), who failed to survive the 2nd round of caucus voting at Saturday's Utah nominating convention. Details on the event are covered by The Salt Lake Tribune http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_15046264. Don't think it's a large victory for the tea parties? See this money quote from none other than Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine (D - Virginy):
"That the tea party would consider Bob Bennett, one of the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate, too liberal, just goes to show how extreme that tea party is," Kaine said. "If there was any question before, there should now be no doubt that the Republican leadership has handed the reins to the tea party." (Emphasis AZDB)
Elected three times since 1992, Bennett came under fire from many conservatives for supporting bank bailouts during the last of the Bush 43 years and for co-sponsoring his own version of Obamacare that would have mandated the purchase of individual insurance, both anathema to small-government tea party activists and their supporters. Now, barring a kamikaze write-in campaign to win in November, he becomes the first incumbent Congresscritter or Senator to be defeated in seeking reelection this year. Hey, Bob: DLTDHYOTWO. Sincerely, AZDB.
As for the finalists advancing in Survivor: Utah GOP Senate, businessman Tim Bridgewater will face off against lawyer Mike Lee in a standard GOP primary set later in June. The winner is almost assured victory in November in this heavy Republican state that has drawn only token opposition from Democrats. Next up between now & June: intense jockeying for the much-coveted endorsement of GOP superstar and former Governorette Sarah Palin (R - Alaska, you betcha!).
Before the day is out, I expect two large bouquets of roses to be delivered to the Palin estate via the Utah branch of 1-800-FLOWERS. A lesser, arrogant politico could just name her price and let the gifts just fly in. Willow and Piper Palin could probably have all-expenses-paid college waiting for them courtesy of the highest bidder. But instead, because they have to know she's no ordinary politico, expect Lee and Bridgewater to engage in a game of The Biggest Commonsense Conservative. Expect the scene to look something like this:
Of course Palin is much better looking than AC and is just wearing an Alice Cooper costume. Not sure which one is Lee and which one is Bridgewater, though.


1 comment:
Some people never get the hint that it's time to leave the stage. Seriously, Bob: Ride off into the sunset & go play with your grandkids for sh*t sake.
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