Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jackass of the Week

Alexi Giannoulias (D - Crook County)
The Notorious Alexi G, U.S. Senate candidate from ILLinois, can't seem to catch a break or do himself any favors since he became the DemocRAT's official nominee. To quote a line from the movie Hoosiers: "Sun don't shine on the same dog's ass everyday, but Mr., you ain't seen a ray of light since you got here!" Trailing slightly, but within the margin of error, to GOP Rep. Mark Kirk, Mr. Giannoulisnuffleupagus is now the underdog to retain the seat the current President held less than two years ago. In a strong Democrat state, no less.
This week he finds his family's infamous & controversial financial undertakings front and center, as his party tries to hold onto every seat in what's developed into an anti-Democrat wave (even in ILLinois). Rather than trying to translate the financial mumbo jumbo, AZDB will let Mr. G's hometown newspaper The Chicago Tribune do the honors:

Broadway Bank, the family-owned lender that helped launch U.S. Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias' political career, was seized by government regulators Friday night, one of seven Illinois
institutions taken over and sold to healthier companies.
The failure of Chicago-based Broadway, which was unable to raise the $85 million it needed to remain independent, was anticipated, and its worsening health has weighed on Giannoulias' Democratic bid for President Barack Obama's old Senate seat. The bank had been struggling in recent years with real estate loans gone bad, losing $75 million last year..

Giannoulias worked for his father at Broadway before entering politics, and during his successful run for state treasurer in 2006 he used his banking experience as one of his chief qualifications. But in the Senate race, he has tried to distance himself from the bank's troubles..

The Tribune reported this month that the $1.15 billion-asset bank, founded in 1979, lent a pair of Chicago crime figures about $20 million during a 14-month period when Giannoulias was a senior
loan officer.

...even fellow Democrats have taken shots at Giannoulias and Broadway. Asked recently whether the bank's problems would affect Giannoulias' Senate bid, Democratic House Speaker Michael
Madigan joked, "I'm glad I don't have any deposits there."

But the money quote comes from none other than Alexi himself, choking back tears at a Friday press conference (Warning: Reading this while drinking a beverage could cause either computer monitor damage or severe choking from fits of laughter.):

"It is an incredibly sad and heartbreaking day for me and my family," Giannoulias said. "My father and my brothers have changed the lives of so many families and entrepreneurs, both in the Edgewater community and throughout the country...While today was a devastating day for me and my family, what happened today makes me want to fight even harder for Illinois families that have lost their jobs, their homes and their own businesses."

What an unbelievable trooper! This is akin to a liquor store thief robbing the owner at knife-point, then asking for a job application on the way out. (Don't forget to include references, Alexi.) Or if that's too rough, since nobody used any actual violence to rob the deposit-holders of their loot, imagine your dog pees all over the house's carpet, then sits up expecting a treat. He may be only 34, but G-Man already has the necessary chutzpah to succeed in big-boy DemocRAT politics. With the party bitterly-clinging to every possible Senate seat while nearing the midterms, we can start the countdown clock to the Chicago Machine attempting to substitute a replacement candidate before the summer is out.


Real Women of Genius: AZ Gov Jan Brewer

We salute you... Miss Illegal Immigration Enforcer Gal! With the prospects for election to a term as Arizona Governor in your own, un-inherited right bouncing between slim and none (depending on the day), you stepped up to the plate and hit a grand slam for the people you serve. Of course, Ms. Brewer (R - Cajones), you knew the protests and venom would come. You know every paper in the state (including Pennysaver) and nationally will slam you for your supposed "lack of compassion." You obviously know a court challenge will be ready the second the ACLU decides on the best paid off - err, most understanding judge it can find to hear a resulting challenge coming from the indignity of a suspected illegal alien (Yeah, I said it!) being looked at cross-eyed by a law enforcement officer. And how soon after you gave a big middle finger to the Obama admin - and to the prior governor, Janet Incompetano (D - "System Worked") - will said AZ officer sworn to uphold the law be called out and accused of "acting stupidly" (to be followed by a resulting "margarita summit" on the White House lawn)? Knowing these challenges, you never blinked or wavered from signing the strictest immigration-enforcement bill in probably the nation's history. According to Arizona Daily Star:.

The governor rejected claims that the legislation, which gives police more power to stop and detain those not in this country legally, amounts to legalized racial profiling. She said the measure contains sufficient protections to individual constitutional rights. And if that isn't enough, Brewer signed an executive order requiring that all police officers get proper training about when they can - and cannot - stop and question people about their immigration status.

The governor pointed out, both in her statement and that executive order, that the new law prohibits police from using race or ethnicity as the sole factor in determining whether to pursue an inquiry. But she conceded that it does permit either to be used as one factor for an officer's consideration. And she defended the language."We have to trust our law enforcement," Brewer said. "Police officers are going to be respectful," the governor continued. "They know what their jobs are, they've taken an oath. And racial profiling is illegal."

...She also said those who believe the law will lead to civil-rights violations are "alarmists," saying there has been "a lot of misinformation" in the media about what's in the bill. "But there are people who are alarmists, who want to cause chaos, and they particularly don't want to always listen to the facts," the governor said.
Attorney General Terry Goddard said those who challenge the law may have a case. Goddard said he won't be involved in deciding how and whether to defend the statute, as he is running against Brewer for governor and publicly called on her to veto the measure.
With upwards of 70% of AZ residents in favor of the signed bill, there is no doubt that the person who signed it stands to benefit the most electorally. To paraphrase our esteemed Vice Prez, this is a big f**king deal. And to add even more sweetener to the pot:
All three of her Republican foes in the gubernatorial primary are on record urging a signature. And every Republican legislator, except Sen. Carolyn Allen of Scottsdale, voted for the legislation. .

Four months out from the AZ Gov primary, and you couldn't ask for a bigger gift from God, courtesy of your state legislature. Add to it, you effectively neutered every possible opponent on the issue. This could wind up being the biggest electoral victory for someone previously left for dead since...Arizona's John McCain (R - Bipartisan) in the 2008 presidential primaries. Viva Arizona!
Well done, Jan Brewer. And Gracias.


Friday, April 23, 2010

50 Best State GOP Electoral Success Stories

Today begins a new recurring series which can be subtitled "The 50 Best GOP from the U.S. 50, over the last 50 years." Considering this is the week of the NFL Draft, one can think of the theme as: Who was the best GOP politician (or "draft pick") over the last 50 years for each of the 50 states? Who won despite (or because of) the political tilt of the state, or in tough electoral circumstances? Who did the most to improve the state's GOP brand, and who led the way to an expanded party bench? Simply, as a historical lesson for the party, whose career should the GOP look back on as a basis for future electoral success? Some states, like California, have a lot of solid candidates from which to choose. Others (Can ya hear me, Arkansas?) leave the party with slim pickings. Such is life. Using the highly scientific Rock-Paper-Scissors (best 3 out of 5) to determine state order, alphabetical order came out on top. The state of Alabama gets first honors.

Sweet Home Alabama - Bob Riley
Hard to believe by today's standards that Alabama was once a solid Democrat state (albeit of the Southern-fried variety). Only 3 of the 10 elected governors since 1960 and 3 of 8 elected U.S. Senators have been Republicans. The 7 Alabama congressional districts have been represented by the GOP 44% of the combined possible years since 1960. But the good luck charm for the Alabama GOP was, arguably, Bill Clinton (D - Playboy Mansion). Since the former Prez took the oath of office, no Democrat has been elected U.S. Senator, and only one has been elected Governor (Jim Folsom, the Lt. Gov., assumed office after the Republican was convicted of state ethics law violations). That one Democrat, Don Siegelman, was defeated in his re-election bid by only 3,120 votes - the closest margin in the history of the state's gubernatorial race. The benefactor of that razor-thin margin was former Congressman Bob Riley. Riley, who was elected to the U.S. House (3rd District) in 1996, stuck to a self-imposed 3-term limit. That limit, once fulfilled, didn't stop him from defeating Siegelman, and he became the first post-Reconstruction Republican to defeat an incumbent governor in the state's history.
Despite cratering approval ratings half-way through his first term - mainly by irritating his base and business groups by proposing tax increases - Riley eventually turned the numbers around, much of it due to his diligent response to Hurricane Katrina. Although in November 2005 he was linked to the Jack Abramoff scandal, he held enough goodwill in Alabama to defeat his Democrat opponent, Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley, a year later by a comfortable 16% margin. Quite impressive considering 2006 was a lean year for the GOP nationally.
He earns the honor of Best Alabama Republican after his 14 years of consecutive elective office and solidifying the GOP brand in the governor's office so well that the GOP is expected to hold the office for a record 3rd term after the November midterms. (Riley is already the longest serving Republican in the Governor's chair, and should he make it through 2010, the only one to serve a complete 2 terms.)
Honorable Mention: Former Gov. Guy Hunt, Senators Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions


- 50-Best

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jackass of the Week

Former President Bill "Put Some Ice on That" Clinton.

It's been over nine years since the 42nd POTUS left office in the wake of Pardongate, with he and the Mrs. helping themselves to the White House silverware on the way out. And he still refuses to relinquish the spotlight, like a dumbfounded American Idol contestant who can't believe her magnificent version of "Dancing Queen" is not rewarded with a trip to the next round. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton (D - Playboy Mansion) has never shied from giving his opinion in the public arena.

Now he's chosen to relive the "glory days" of the wake of the 1995 OK City bombing, the point in which he bit his lower lip and thereby regained his mojo in time to right his reelection ship. As covered in New York Times (the one "Old Gray Lady" that really needs to go before a Death Panel):

With the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing approaching, former President Bill Clinton on Thursday drew parallels between the antigovernment tone that preceded that devastating attack and the political tumult of today, saying government critics must be mindful that angry words can stir violent actions.

“There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do things you would never do.”

“Because of the Internet, there is this vast echo chamber and our advocacy reaches into corners that never would have been possible before,” said Mr. Clinton, who said political messages are now able to reach those who are both “serious and seriously disturbed.”

Mr. Clinton said his intent was not to stifle debate or muzzle critics of the government but to encourage them to consider what repercussions could follow. He acknowledged that drawing the line between acceptable discourse and that which goes too far is difficult but that lawmakers and other officials should try.

“Have at it,” he said. “You can attack the politics. Criticize their policies. Don’t demonize them, and don’t say things that will encourage violent opposition.”.


Those remarks, just a portion of related comments Slick Willie made before The Center for American Progress think tank, drew a blistering response from talk radio king Rush Limbaugh, who officially laid down the gauntlet:


"Why do you think the tea party people are so reviled? Why is it that we can sit there and accuse nonviolent tea party people of committing terrorist acts? I mean that's what Clinton's doing. He's predicting that tea party people are going to blow up a federal building again, and in the process.... I'm going to state right now: If there is a future incident such as Oklahoma City, the blame is squarely Clinton's on the shoulders of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who I'm sure is coordinating Clinton's appearance on this."


.Can someone please, in the name of even-handed media coverage, remind AZDB of when The New York Times, Bill Clinton, or anyone else apparently outraged by the brewing (imaginary) violence of the tea parties and its legions of supporters ever had a critical word to say about the "peace activists" and their behavior from 2002-08? Any calls to cool down the "Bush lied, people died" rhetoric, or any critical words about signs making W to look like A Hitler? I didn't think so either. In fact, we were told that protests against the (then) president were the sincerest, most laudable form of patriotism by none other than Bill Clinton's wife, now current SOS:.


Sorry, I keep forgetting: free speech & protesters are only tolerated (and even encouraged) when the object of scorn is a Republican president. Damn, those double standards!




Friday, April 16, 2010

HI-01: Special Election's Unique Dynamics

In Hawaii, long time Congressman Neil Abercrombie stepped down from his position to run for Governor. In the process, a special election takes place next month. Hawaii has the primary and the general all rolled into one. There are actually 2 Democrats and a Republican running for the same seat. This seat can be won without a majority.

Despite the district being heavily Democratic (Cook PVI of D+11), the 2 Democrats are splitting their vote evenly, with a racial element as the DCCC has gotten involved and is endorsing the white candidate, Case. Hannabusa, the Asian candidate, has her own list of endorsements and is speaking out against the Democratic establishment for favoring Case. The Republican, Djou, is strong with a unified Republican vote, hoping the Democrats beat each other up enough to allow him to squeak through with a plurality of votes.

This race is a true tossup. In 2008, Abercrombie won 70.6% of the vote, which means that Republican Djou is actually overperforming what a typical Republican does in this district (He is currently polling at 32 percent). It is also worth noting that before Abercrombie, a Republican Pat Saiki held the seat for 4 years. She was so popular she ran for Senate against sitting incumbent Senator Akaka, garnering 45% of the vote statewide. In 2004, this district also gave President Bush (R) 47% of the vote, so it is not overly partisan.

The latest DCCC released internal poll has Case and Djou tied at 32 percent and Hannabusa at 28 percent. The trend is definitely favoring the Republican.

We will do a formal analysis when more polls come in.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Bimbette Chronicles: Chapter 2

Fact or fiction? You decide... .

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D - Valley Girl) proposed $1 Billion in loans and grants Monday to help build 2,100 grocery stores in areas around the nation that lack access to fresh food.
Gillibrand said the measure would help about four million New York residents living in so-called food deserts by providing the funding for more than 350 stores statewide, many in low-income areas. Modeled on a similar program in Pennsylvania, the legislation would provide startup grants and loans in rural and urban areas to expand access to fresh food and to create jobs.
..."By building new grocery stores in underserved areas across the state we can give people the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives, save billions in health care costs, and create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs," said Bimbette.


So this leaves AZDB scratching his head....Why hasn't this Wizard of Smart also endorsed loans and grants to build health clubs & gyms in areas that lack access to them? Why not help millions living in "exercise deserts" across NY and nationwide? Wouldn't this "give people the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives, save billions in health care costs, and create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs" too? Let me be the first to call Senator Bimbette a "health-industry bigot" that favors grocers like Food Lion over disadvantaged health clubs like LA Fitness.




Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jackass of the Week

Rep. Alan Grayson: Crazier Than a Sh*thouse (Democ)RAT!
AZDB knows that Orlando Congressman Alan Grayson (D - Funny Farm) has said and done some outrageous things on camera in the past, but what the hell was he doing at a Perkins Restaurant? Seriously though, I could easily rename the "Jackass of the Week" segment the Honorary Alan Grayson of the Week. AZDB sure will miss him after November though... Sniff...sniff...honk!
Meanwhile, back at Disneyland, Mr. Grayson on Friday crashed a gathering of the Orange County Florida GOP at their regular meeting, held at a nearby Perkins family restaurant. (No, really, that was the actual setting.) To set up the exchange, Tea Party Patriots Live describes the encounter:
…Matthew Falconer, candidate for Orange County Mayor, quickly challenged Alan’s rudeness. Grayson demanded not to be interrupted, but Falconer quickly reminded the congressman that he is in fact interrupting their meeting.
Linda O’Keefe, member of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee and extraordinary patriot volunteer with the Orlando Tea Party said, “I’m wondering if Grayson realizes that we do still, for now, have the right to assemble! But can’t we have a meeting without being interrupted by our congressman?”
Currently, there are 12, Republican candidates looking to send Alan Grayson to the unemployment line in November..

Here is the video of the distinguished gentleman from Florida in all his glory (Note: Manners is not one of his strengths.): .


I swear if Mr. Grayson didn't exist Hollywood would have to invent him, just for entertainment purposes. Good luck in your next career (maybe MSNBC host?), Alan.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Bimbette Chronicles: Chapter 1


.Hey look: I can rub my tummy...

This section is dedicated to the intelligent musings of the great junior senator from the Empire State, Kirsten Gillibrand (D - Valley Girl). Hereby proclaimed Senator Bimbette, she may or may not have been involved in the following interview. Names have been changed to protect the innocent (and smart).

.April 9, 2010 - New York Times reporter Dick Cumstein caught the esteemed senator on the D.C. train & asked her about the newly announced retirement of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens:

Cumstein: Senator, how are you this morning? Could you share with me your thoughts on the retirement of John Paul Stevens?

Bimbette: Wasn't he the Pope for years and years? I thought he died 5 years ago.

Cumstein: No, Justice John Paul Stevens is who I'm talking about, not the late Pope John Paul the 2nd.

Bimbette: Oh yeah, I always get those two confused. Well, Stevens was pretty smart and will be missed. But I trust President Obama to carry on his legacy.

Cumstein: Senator, do you have a preference for who next gets admitted to the Court?

Bimbette: Well, are we talking the Capitol tennis court or the Obama basketball court? Like, whoever is next on the waiting list should be allowed to use the courts, right?

Cumstein: Senator Gillibrand, I think we'll leave it right there & pick it up on another day.



Friday, April 9, 2010

The Summer Just Got More Interestinger

AZDB hasn’t the foggiest clue who will be nominated to replace Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court, but that doesn’t keep him (He just loves mentioning himself in the 3rd person) from PREVIEWING the winners and losers from the ensuing battle royale (with cheese) as it affects the upcoming 2010 elections. Don’t need a nominee for now; don’t want a nominee for now. We can be 90% certain that whoever it eventually is will be more favored by the American Criminal Liberties Union than by the Federalist Society. With that assumption in mind, what follows are whose prospects for 2010 are strengthened by a nomination battle over the summer (Using the Wise Latina nomination as a blueprint, hearings & votes will probably be wrapped up by mid-to-late July.), and whose are weakened, really wishing this nomination could be made in 2011 instead.

Winners Who Relish the Fight:

John McCain (Reelection, AZ) – In any other environment, Mr. Bipartisan would relish the opportunity to reach out to Democrats, organize a Gang-of-Whatever-Number, and show off for the media that he isn’t one of those nasty Republicans who actually opposes America’s lurch to the left. But with a serious primary in AZ that doesn’t approach until August 24, Mr. McCain has been forced to dance to his right this time. Though not on the Judiciary Committee, he will make sure AZ voters know the nominee-in-waiting is unacceptable to the Court. His primary opponent, former Congresscritter JD Hayworth will be left saying “Me too.”
Michael Bennet (D – CO) – The Senator from Colorado, who 95% of his constituents couldn't pick out of a police lineup, has to like being an incumbent Senator (though never elected in his own right) who can brandish his “progressive” credentials before an August 10 primary. Trying to fight off a top-tier opponent, former Speaker of the CO House Andrew Romanoff, Mr. Bennet now has a chance to prove to CO Democrats that 1) He really is a sitting U.S. Senator and 2) He is down for the left-wing struggle. While the latter may hurt him later in the general election, should he survive, he knows that to make it to the Super Bowl you first have to win the conference championship.
Tea Party Activists & Supporters – With an assist from GOP Senators, members of the tea party movement get to hear where the prospective nominee stands (if he/she dares answer related questions) on the constitutionality of Obamacare, states-rights issues, interstate commerce, and any other areas where they feel the U.S. government has been overstepping its bounds. Much to the Democrats’ chagrin, tea party supporters strut their patriotism, relevance and intensity through the summer, while keeping their elected representatives’ feet to the electoral fire.
Losers That Gain Nothing from a Nomination Battle:
Harry Reid – Any other incumbent senator on political life-support could use this nomination as an opportunity to break with President of same party and show off some independence for his small-state constituents back home. Just not this one. The Majority Leader is tied to the hip with said President, and his job for the summer is to maneuver the nominee through the Senate to confirmation. No way out of this box. And no way to reverse a double-digit deficit to little-known GOP opponents on this platform. It was nice knowing ya, Harry….... No, not really.
Arlen Specter – The PA Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-Democrat usually wets his drawers with excitement as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, but this nomination, in a reelection year, is filled with pitfalls. Certainly he wanted to make a November showdown with Pat Toomey (assuming Mr. Specter can hold off Rep. Joe Sestak) about the challenger's perceived weaknesses. But televised hearings will remind PA voters of how old and tired the Keystone State senator looks (newer, younger blood playing to Mr. Toomey’s advantage), and Specter’s chances of firing off his infamous temper on live TV against vengeful Committee Republicans are only an "Act like a lady" moment away. Specter needed a summer out of the spotlight, but couldn’t get so lucky.
Cap and Charade Legislation – Obama and Congressional Democrats hoping to pass (read: jam through) historic anti-global-warming legislation just got killed by the calendar. Preparation for SCOTUS hearings, as well as the hearings themselves will take up over a month, time that will make a battle over the controversial plan, in an election year before summer recess no less, all but impossible. American industry rejoices in unison.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Jackass of the Week

Phil "Screw Both the Tortoise & the" Hare

The Congressman from ILLinois' 17th District admits, on camera, that he doesn't give a frog's fat ass that the recently-passed Obamacare may or may not be Constitutional. Here he is talking, on camera, with local tea party people. Talk about free advertising for your November opponent.

Your fed'ral gubmint at work, folks.
Money quote: "I Don't Worry About The Constitution On This." (Sounds like that should be the official motto of today's DemocRAT Party.)
For those that wish to see the defeat of the 2nd-termer in this slight-lean DemocRAT district, his 2010 GOP opponent will likely be small business owner and free market conservative Bobby Schilling. According to the Macon County Examiner, "A proud candidate endorsed by the Quincy Tea Party... Schilling has vowed to refuse congressional pay raises, pensions, and health care. He has also term-limited himself to eight years and promised not to vote for anything he has not read." Your district's fate is now in your hands, ILL-17.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

KY-Sen Primary: Paul, Mongiardo Lead

Kentucky Senate (Republican Primary)

Rand Paul 41%
Trey Grayson 26%
Bill Johnson 3%
Undecided 30%

Paul +15%

Kentucky Senate (Democratic Primary)

Daniel Mongiardo 42%
Jack Conway 27%
Undecided 31%

Mongiardo +15%

Race News:
We take our first look at the Kentucky race and it's remarkable how similar both primaries are looking. Paul and Mongiardo both have 15 percent leads in a primary electorate that is still largely undecided: About 30 percent on both sides have not decided on their candidate.

However, it is clear in the polling trends that Paul and Mongiardo are shoring up support in their respective fields and are likely to face off in the general.

The primary election is next month, May 18.