The mavericky campaign team of John McCain (Bipartisan - AZ) and Sarah Palin (R - AK) fired up crowds (Oops - hope that phrase doesn't incite right-wingers to violence.) with more passion than was usually seen during their unsuccessful run for the White House in '08 while campaigning for Mac's 5th Senate term in the two largest Arizona cities over the weekend. The lamestream media was in full Pavlov's-dog mode as the two hit the trail for the first time together since John McCain conceded defeat to current-President Hope n' Change, snapping pictures of the pair on stage more often than John Edwards chooses to wear condoms.
Coverage of their first rally in Tucson from March 26 can be seen here, courtesy of Palin TV:
And if anyone ever doubted that there is establishment-media distaste for Republicans, here is an off-the-record picture of MSNBC superstar-wannabe Norah O' Donnell scowling at the Pima County Fairgrounds (No O' D apparently irked that there are no 16 year-old girls to ambush on camera with "gotcha" questions.):
The next day, McPalin fired up the Straight-Talk Express (v 2.0) from Mesa, and their rally even included two protesters feeling nostalgia for making asses of themselves on live national TV (Ah, the memories!). For the fireworks, FFWD to about 5:30 to watch the Barracuda tear one 19-year-old twit to shreds without skipping a beat. One would think by now these nitwits would learn that she eats young punks for supper, and then asks for 2nds.
...John McCain, apparently having the time of his life
Hat tip to SNRK for all the images. (SNRK you very much.)

What was Norah O'Donnell doing there?
Not having any fun, that's for sure.
Apparently both Palin & McCain deicided to take the high road at both appearances by not mentioning JD Hayworth by name. Smart on Palin's part IMO.
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