The eight-term Rhode Island Congressman, best known for modeling his personal life after the late Corey Haim, came unglued Wednesday on the House Floor, arguing about the media not covering the war and troops in Afghanistan (at least we think that's what he was screaming about). See for yourselves & try to translate while using your meltdown-to-English handbooks.

Displaying circus-like antics that would have made his late father Edward "The Snorkler" Kennedy proud, Patty K decides to blast out of Congress in a blaze of glory. (Mr. K has decided to spend more time with his bartender...errrrr, family - instead of seeking a 9th term from CD-1.)

And his point was spot on. I don't know if he had just chased a rail with a pint of Walker Black label, has a derelict advisor, or if he just wilted under the pressure of being the last Kennedy in Congress, but man did that guy brick. A simple reading of the prepared statement would have been sufficiently poignant. But at least he got on TV.
Whatever the explanation for his antics, at least he's upholding the Kennedy legacy. He must have grown up closely watching his late father in action on the Senate floor. Thanks for reading.
sounds like his dad
his district is in play this year. let's win Rhode island!
Sounds like he should become a pro wrestler in the WWE. Anyone see the You Tube parody splicing Kennedy with Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker? priceless
link the vid please
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