Moron #1: Charlie Rangel - By Any Ways & Means Necessary
The most Ethical Congress in History (D - Bullshit) received another black eye (Just a figure of speech, NAACP, so calm down.), as an ethics committee ruled that House Ways & Means Chairman Charlie Rangel violated House gift rules by accepting travel to the Caribbean. Rangel (D - Harlem) has decided to give up the gavel in the wake of scandal. At least he had decided to... Then he wasn't going to...Then he was, at least temporarily. Come Thursday, he was replaced as acting chairman by Sandy Levin (Michigan), and as of now it is unclear whether he will ever get the gavel back. Whatever happens before campaign season kicks into high gear, vulnerable Democrats, inside and outside his state, aren't exactly thrilled to be running with this albatross around their necks, especially in today's Scarlet D climate.
.First, Freshman Congressman Eric Massa (D - Navy) stunned the D.C. establishment, and especially the Democrat Party, with his abrupt retirement announcement on Wednesday. The first explanation was health reasons. Then allegations of sexual harassment by a MALE aide broke (Mr. Massa is married with children.), which the congressman tried to explain away as having used "salty language" on occasion. And apparently, according to Politico, the House Ethics Committee (now officially an oxymoron) had been informed of allegations that Massa had made unwanted advances toward the junior staffer. Complaints were brought to the attention of Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Then Friday, Hotline OnCall reported that Massa will resign on Monday (Hard to type any more... AZDB wiping... away... tears.) Now the seat (and the fate of the health care bill?) is in major jeopardy come November, as it is in a GOP-leaning area of Western NY and the Democrat bench there is as weak as 7-11 coffee.
Moron #3: David Paterson - How Much Longer Until He Goes?
It continues to rain shit on NY Governor Paterson, who now faces charges from the NY Commission on Public Integrity (snicker, snicker) for violating the gift ban under state ethics laws by receiving free tickets to the 1st game of the 2009 World Series, according to the NY Post. Also, he may face criminal charges, as the case has been referred the CPI to the Albany County DA & to NY AG Andrew Cuomo. As an added bonus, the Gov's spokesman tendered his resignation Thursday, lobbing this verbal slap before the ink was even dry:

"I have been honored to serve the people of New York during a difficult time in our state’s history. As a former officer in the United States Navy, integrity and commitment to public service are values I take seriously... Unfortunately, as recent developments have come to light, I cannot in good
conscience continue in my current position..." .
Mr. Paterson's tenure as hand-me-down governor continues to make New Yorkers long for the "good old days" under Client #9.

New York has 26 Democrat congressmen and only 3 Republicans. Let's hope this changes in November
anyone up for a tickle fight?
no thanks. we'll leave that to the Congressional showers
Rahm Emmanuel will be all over that. I guarantee it
is charlie rangel posing like a teapot in that picture? i swear thats what hes doing
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