Bart Stupak (D - Judas), You Ignorant Slut!
Thank you Rep. Stupak (D - Mich, Upp-yer-Ass Peninsula), for officially obliterating what remained of the myth that was the "pro-life" DemocRAT. All it took was the promise of an executive order (Aside: It's not worth the paper it's printed on.) saying no funding would go toward abortion, and you & your fellow boy scout troops folded like Blue Burrito tortillas. Real principles y'all got there! Of course we should have expected this cave since you declared your favor of the basic bill a while back speaking in Cheboygan:

Congrats, Mr. Stupak: the issue of protecting the unborn was so important that it took just over $726K in grants by the Obama Administration toward three airports (all coincidentally residing in your district) just two days before the Obamacare vote in order for you to flush it down the toilet. Hope such a flagrant bribe was worth your 15 minutes of face-time and soon-to-be lifetime of infamy and shame. "Airplanes flied, babies died!"
As for November and Stuck-on-Stupak's hold on the district, according to Hot Air, the district leans slightly Republican, according to the Cook Report, but Stupak’s won every general election there since 1992 by double digits and the last seven by no less than 19 points. The current GOP candidates in the race include surgeon Dr. Dan Benishek, equipment operator and trucking company CEO Don Hooper, lawyer Linda Goldthorpe and Tom Stillings, who ran in 2008 GOP primary. Also weighing the race (What better time than now?) is Cheboygan County Drain Commissioner Dennis Lennox, 25, who has formed a committee to explore a potential bid to run for the 1st House district. Whoever ultimately wins the GOP nod can expect a huge influx of funds from citizens throughout the nation, as Stupak has unofficially tattooed a bullseye on his back. This race may prove just how big an anti-DemocRAT wave there winds up being.
Great post, AZDB. Time to buy pitchforks.
I'd like nothing better than to repeal this abortion known as Obamacare, but for now conservatives need to use the courts to their advantage. Legislative repeal would only be possible under a GOP president & a huge majority in the Senate + majority in House. But it does make a good midterm rally cry to win in November.
"I'm tired of this all. I dont' even give a flyin fuck if we win or not in november."
Then you're falling into the trap the Dems have set from the outset: Give up in disgust & allow them to win & have the majorities until the cows come home. That's been the grand plan for decades. Now this is the test as to whether we oblige or not. Keep fighting or they win.
Pro-life Democrat? Oxymoron.
Yep, they're like unicorns. tee hee
Stupak got his 30 pieces of silver in exchange for his votes. What did anyone expect from him in return?
John Dingellberry has blown the Dems cover:
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the Dean of the House of Representatives for being the longest serving member of the body (he was first elected in 1955, succeeding his father, Rep. John Dingell, Sr.), made an amazing admission during a live telephone interview with Detroit WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show host Paul W. Smith on Smith's show Monday morning, March 22, 2010. The night before, Dingell had been a featured speaker at the Democrat Congressional leadership victory press conference after Obamacare passed the House.
In response to a question posed by Smith, Dingell said:
"Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people."
An astonishing admission. Well, not really coming froma Democrat.
never trust a democrat. not even the ones that voted "no". all this was pre-arranged by pelosi
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