Appointed Senator Kirsten "Gilly" Gillibrand (D - Valley Girl) reacts to an appeals court striking down of Propostion 8 that was passed by majority vote in California: "A true victory for #equality! V pleased Judge Walker has found #Prop8 to be unconstitutional.".
Trying to decipher Bimbettese here. Does "V pleased" mean she's very pleased with the ruling, or since the ruling struck down the illegality of homosexual marriage in CA does it mean she is privvy to Judge Walker having had her (?) vagina pleased?
Senator Bimbette spoke further on the subject, off record for annonymous, unnamed sources:
."Like, oh my God, this ruling by V pleased Walker is sooooo awesome. You know, like equality and stuff. You know? Equality is what I was brought up believing in, because, you know, equality as a value means treating everybody as equals. And it's about time the state I represent in the Senate, New York - right? New York? - join the 20th Century and also proposition the voters for a similar law here. I will hereby make it my personal mission to get a vote on behalf of the gay community, in which I implore every New York citizen to choose the 'Proposition 8' box. Thank you. "

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