Fact or fiction? You decide... .
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D - Valley Girl) proposed $1 Billion in loans and grants Monday to help build 2,100 grocery stores in areas around the nation that lack access to fresh food.
Gillibrand said the measure would help about four million New York residents living in so-called food deserts by providing the funding for more than 350 stores statewide, many in low-income areas. Modeled on a similar program in Pennsylvania, the legislation would provide startup grants and loans in rural and urban areas to expand access to fresh food and to create jobs.
..."By building new grocery stores in underserved areas across the state we can give people the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives, save billions in health care costs, and create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs," said Bimbette..
So this leaves AZDB scratching his head....Why hasn't this Wizard of Smart also endorsed loans and grants to build health clubs & gyms in areas that lack access to them? Why not help millions living in "exercise deserts" across NY and nationwide? Wouldn't this "give people the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives, save billions in health care costs, and create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs" too? Let me be the first to call Senator Bimbette a "health-industry bigot" that favors grocers like Food Lion over disadvantaged health clubs like LA Fitness.
Her pet issues are no longer cute and are now shittin all over the house.
Why is it that government-led compassion always sticks me and tens of millions of others with the bill?
If the NY GOP can't find someone either this year or in 2012 to beat this nitwit, then they should just close up shop forever. Or maybe they could get a federal bailout.
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