Sunday, November 7, 2010
2010 Senate Post-Game Analysis
Underestimated GOP:
AR-Sen: Boozman (R) 1.4
FL-Sen: Rubio (R) by 2.2
KY-Sen: Paul (R) 0.6
LA-Sen: Vitter (R) 3.9
MO-Sen: Blunt (R) 3.3
ND-Sen: Hoeven (R) 7.0
NH-Sen: Ayotte (R) 7.5
Underestimated Dems:
CA-Sen: Boxer (D) 4.3
CO-Sen: Bennet (D) 3.1
CT-Sen: Blumenthal (D) 3.1
DE-Sen: Coons (D) 2.6
IN-Sen: Ellsworth (D) 4.7
IL-Sen: Giannoulias (D) 1.4
NV-Sen: Reid (D) 8.3
NC-Sen: Marshall (D) 0.7
OH-Sen: Fisher (D) 2.2
OR-Sen: Wyden (D) 0.4
NY-Sen: Gilibrand (D) 4.8
PA-Sen: Sestak (D) 2.5
WA-Sen: Murray (D) 2.7
WV-Sen: Manchin (D) 5.6
WI-Sen: Feingold (D) 2.8
Monday, November 1, 2010
2010 Final House Ratings
2010 Final Gov Ratings
CO-Gov: Likely Dem to Toss-up (Favors GOP)
CT-Gov: Lean Dem to Lean GOP (Favors GOP)
MD-Gov: Toss-up to Lean Dem (Favors Dems)
RI-Gov: Lean Dem to Toss-up (Favors GOP)
TX-Gov: Lean GOP to Likely GOP (Favors GOP)
There is even more uncertainty as now we have 8 races that are too close to call. Half of them are 3-way races with lots of uncertainty factoring in (MN, RI, CO, MA). The rest are simply too volatile to call though most tilt Dem (CA, HI, VT). Oregon tilts GOP.
Current Projections (October 9, 2010):
GOP: 31
No Race: 6 | Safe: 12 | Likely: 7 | Lean: 6 |
Dem: 11
No Race: 7 | Safe: 1 | Likely: 1 | Lean: 2 |
Toss-Ups: 8
SAFE DEM AR (Beebe) | LIKELY DEM NY (Open) | LEAN DEM MD (O'Malley) NH (Lynch) | TOSS UP CA (Open) CO (Open) HI (Open) MA (Patrick) MN (Open) OR (Open) RI (Open) VT (Open) | LEAN GOP CT (Open) FL (Open) GA (Open) IL (Quinn) OH (Strickland) WI (Open) | LIKELY GOP IA (Culver) ME (Open) MI (Open) NM (Open) PA (Open) SC (Open) TX (Perry) | SAFE GOP AL (Open) AK (Parnell) AZ (Brewer) ID (Otter) KS (Open) NE (Heinmn) NV (Open) OK (Open) SD (Open) TN (Open) UT (Herbert) WY (Open) |
2010 Final Senate Ratings - Senate Control Comes Down To West Coast
KY-Sen: Lean GOP to Likely GOP (favors GOP)
NV-Sen: Toss-up to Lean GOP (favors GOP)
The GOP solidifies Kentucky and improves its position in Nevada while WV seems to slip out of reach. Despite widely variant polling WA and CA, we have both as tossups, with Dems slightly favored in CA and GOP slightly favored in WA.
Current Projections (November 1, 2010):
GOP: 49
No Race: 23 | Safe: 14 | Likely: 8 | Lean: 4 |
Dem: 49
No Race: 40 | Safe: 5 | Likely: 2 | Lean: 2 |
Toss-Ups: 2
SAFE DEM HI (Inouye) MD (Mikulski) NY (Schumer) OR (Wyden) VT (Leahy) | LIKELY DEM DE (Open) NY (Gilibrand) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) WV ' (Open) | TOSS UP CA (Boxer) WA (Murray) | LEAN GOP CO (Bennett) IL (Open) NV (Reid) PA (Open) | LIKELY GOP FL (Open) IN (Open) LA (Vitter) KY (Open) MO (Open) NH (Open) OH (Open) WI (Feingold) | SAFE GOP AL (Shelby) AK (Open) AZ (McCain) AR (Lincoln) GA (Isakson) ID (Crapo) IA (Grassley) KS (Open) NC (Burr) ND (Open) OK (Coburn) SC (DeMint) SD (Thune) UT (Open) |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Breaking Down the Polls - Colorado Senate
.Eighty-one percent (81%) of Colorado Republicans support Buck, while 82% of the state’s Democrats line up behind Bennet. Voters not affiliated with either major party give a 23-point advantage to the Republican.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Applying PPP's Results To A Realistic Turnout Model
PPP released a poll today showing Carly behind Boxer by 52-43 and Whitman behind Brown 53-42. This assumes a fired up Democratic electorate that is exceeding its registration advantage (likely not, based on early voting and primary numbers) It assumes a D+13 electorate when registration is only D+12. Early voting and primary numbers both show a D+4 electorate. I create a D+5 electorate just in case.
PPP's Results:
Fiorina: 10/83/54
Boxer: 85/13/37
Whitman: 10/80/53
Brown: 86/14/39
Turnout: 47/34/19
So if Whitman and Fiorina are strong with Independents and you apply these same statistics to a more realistic turnout model:
D/R/I: 43/38/19
Carly 46.1
Boxer 48
That’s Boxer +1.9, similar to the advantage she has in early voting.
Meanwhile, for Whitman/Brown using the same turnout model:
Whitman 44.8
Brown 49.7
That’s Brown +4.9, similar to what we’re seeing from Survey USA.
Take partisan polls with a grain of salt.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wave Elections: CA & WA 2010 = VA & MO 2006
California has experienced consistent polling on two fronts. Incumbent Boxer (D) has been consistently under 50 percent and has posted consistent leads. We now see our first poll in a while that shows Fiorina pulling ahead 3 points on October 19. In the polls she still posts a deficit, Fiorina also has closed her margins and now the deficit is only 1 point in the RCP average.
This is very similar to the Virginia senate race in 2006 when now Senator Webb (D) defeated incumbent George Allen (R) by a tiny margin. What's interesting and similar is that aside from 2 polls in the summer, the incumbent Allen held the lead until Webb started to turn the race around last minute on October 20, 2006. Hopefully, Fiorina is able to follow the Webb trend and cruise to victory.
Washington, on the other hand, has experienced see-sawing polling. One week, Rossi (R) will have the lead and the next a slew of polls show incumbent Murray (D) ahead.
This almost mirrors polling in Missouri's senate race in 2006 between Talent (R) and now Senator McCaskill (D).
This could be hopeful news for the Republicans, who are challenging incumbent Democrats.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Importance of Strategic Voting
Get informed! And yes, numbers matter.
This is a bipartisan message.
2010 Senate Ratings: Overall Senate Still A Toss-Up
CT-Sen: Toss-up to Lean Dem (favors Dems)
NY-Sen: Lean Dem to Likely Dem (favors Dems)
WV-Sen: Toss-up to Lean GOP (favors GOP)
The GOP sees chances at Gilibrand's seat diminish this week, while CT moves away from GOP reach. Meanwhile, WV polling shows a strengthening position for Raese and and Fiorina gaining ground in CA.
Current Projections (October 1, 2010):
GOP: 49
No Race: 23 | Safe: 14 | Likely: 7 | Lean: 5 |
Dem: 48
No Race: 40 | Safe: 5 | Likely: 2 | Lean: 1 |
Toss-Ups: 3
SAFE DEM HI (Inouye) MD (Mikulski) NY (Schumer) OR (Wyden) VT (Leahy) | LIKELY DEM DE (Open) NY (Gilibrand) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) | TOSS UP CA (Boxer) NV (Reid) WA (Murray) | LEAN GOP CO (Bennett) IL (Open) KY (Open) PA (Open) WV ' (Open) | LIKELY GOP FL (Open) IN (Open) LA (Vitter) MO (Open) NH (Open) OH (Open) WI (Feingold) | SAFE GOP AL (Shelby) AK (Open) AZ (McCain) AR (Lincoln) GA (Isakson) ID (Crapo) IA (Grassley) KS (Open) NC (Burr) ND (Open) OK (Coburn) SC (DeMint) SD (Thune) UT (Open) |
Friday, October 8, 2010
2010 Gov Ratings: Minor Movements
HI-Gov: Likely Dem to Toss-up (Favors GOP)
NH-Gov: Toss-up to Lean Dem (Favors Dems)
NM-Gov: Lean GOP to Likely GOP (Favors GOP)
NY-Gov: Lean Dem to Likely Dem (Favors Dems)
Current Projections (October 9, 2010):
GOP: 30
No Race: 6 | Safe: 12 | Likely: 5 | Lean: 7 |
Dem: 13
No Race: 7 | Safe: 1 | Likely: 2 | Lean: 3 |
Toss-Ups: 7
SAFE DEM AR (Beebe) | LIKELY DEM CO (Open) NY (Open) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) NH (Lynch) RI (Open) | TOSS UP CA (Open) HI (Open) MD (O'Malley) MA (Patrick) MN (Open) OR (Open) VT (Open) | LEAN GOP FL (Open) GA (Open) IL (Quinn) OH (Strickland) TX (Perry) WI (Open) | LIKELY GOP IA (Culver) ME (Open) MI (Open) NM (Open) PA (Open) SC (Open) | SAFE GOP AL (Open) AK (Parnell) AZ (Brewer) ID (Otter) KS (Open) NE (Heinmn) NV (Open) OK (Open) SD (Open) TN (Open) UT (Herbert) WY (Open) |
Friday, October 1, 2010
2010 Gov Ratings: Uncertainty Prevails
CA-Gov: Lean GOP to Toss-up (Favors Dems)
HI-Gov: Safe Dem to Likely Dem (Favors GOP)
NY-Gov: Safe Dem to Lean Dem (Favors GOP)
ME-Gov: Lean GOP to Likely GOP (Favors GOP)
MN-Gov: Lean Dem to Toss-up (Favors GOP)
NH-Gov: Likely Dem to Toss-up (Favors GOP)
PA-Gov: Lean GOP to Likely GOP (Favors GOP)
RI-Gov: Toss-up to Lean Dem (Favors Dems)
VT-Gov: Lean GOP to Toss-up (Favors Dems)
There are more toss-ups. The Dems move two Northeast seats and California in their favor, as the states regress back to their more liberal means. Primary wins put Hawaii and New York in more competitive categories in favor of the GOP while the GOP solidifies their lead in ME, NM and PA.
Current Projections (October 1, 2010):
GOP: 29
No Race: 6 | Safe: 12 | Likely: 5 | Lean: 6 |
Dem: 13
No Race: 7 | Safe: 1 | Likely: 2 | Lean: 3 |
Toss-Ups: 8
SAFE DEM AR (Beebe) | LIKELY DEM CO (Open) HI (Open) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) NY (Open) RI (Open) | TOSS UP CA (Open) FL (Open) MD (O'Malley) MA (Patrick) MN (Open) NH (Lynch) OR (Open) VT (Open) | LEAN GOP GA (Open) IL (Quinn) NM (Open) OH (Strickland) TX (Perry) WI (Open) | LIKELY GOP IA (Culver) ME (Open) MI (Open) PA (Open) SC (Open) | SAFE GOP AL (Open) AK (Parnell) AZ (Brewer) ID (Otter) KS (Open) NE (Heinmn) NV (Open) OK (Open) SD (Open) TN (Open) UT (Herbert) WY (Open) |
2010 Senate Ratings: GOP & Dems Make Gains, It's A Wash
CA-Sen: Toss-up to Lean Dem (favors Dems)
CT-Sen: Lean Dem to Toss-up (favors GOP)
DE-Sen: Lean GOP to Likely Dem (favors Dems)
KY-Sen: Likely GOP to Lean GOP (favors Dems)
NC-Sen: Likely GOP to Safe GOP (favors GOP)
NH-Sen: Lean GOP to Likely GOP (favors GOP)
NY-Sen: Likely Dem to Lean Dem (favors GOP)
WA-Sen: Lean GOP to Toss-up (favors Dems)
WI-Sen: Toss-up to Likely GOP (favors GOP)
WV-Sen: Lean Dem to Toss-up (favors GOP)
Despite the political earthquake of Christine O'Donnell upset and the subsequent strengthening of the Democrat position in Delaware, the GOP makes significant gains in WV and WI. Overall, it's a wash and we're right back to where we were a few weeks ago. There are some minor movements with WA and CA's latest polling showing movement to Dems and a surprise in Kentucky (polling has tightened).
However, the GOP has put new seats into play with DioGuardi's strengthening position in New York. Connecticut is also now a toss-up race.
Current Projections (October 1, 2010):
GOP: 48
No Race: 23 | Safe: 14 | Likely: 7 | Lean: 4 |
Dem: 48
No Race: 40 | Safe: 5 | Likely: 1 | Lean: 2 |
Toss-Ups: 4
SAFE DEM HI (Inouye) MD (Mikulski) NY (Schumer) OR (Wyden) VT (Leahy) | LIKELY DEM DE (Open) | LEAN DEM CA (Boxer) NY (Gilibrand) | TOSS UP CT (Open) NV (Reid) WA (Murray) WV ' (Open) | LEAN GOP CO (Bennett) IL (Open) KY (Open) PA (Open) | LIKELY GOP FL (Open) IN (Open) LA (Vitter) MO (Open) NH (Open) OH (Open) WI (Feingold) | SAFE GOP AL (Shelby) AK (Open) AZ (McCain) AR (Lincoln) GA (Isakson) ID (Crapo) IA (Grassley) KS (Open) NC (Burr) ND (Open) OK (Coburn) SC (DeMint) SD (Thune) UT (Open) |
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Bimbette Chronicles: Chapter 4

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had an unusual form of praise for New York’s junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, this morning at the fundraiser Mayor Bloomberg hosted for him at his townhouse – referring to her as “the hottest member” as she sat just a few feet away, according to three sources. The comment prompted Gillibrand to turn red, according to the sources, and created a bit of stir among the small crowd there. “It was pretty shocking when he said it,” said one source familiar with the remark and the reaction.
"We'll, you see, Harry is a very sweet man who sees himself as Hugh Hefner, smoking jacket and all. He's tried recruiting me to be his Holly Madison and wants me to be called his sweetie, but I'm too old for that now and want to be taken serial. I'm like, a Senator. You know? Why should I have to buff the Majority Leader's lobby, as Harry requested me one night? Anywho, I kept a poem he dropped by my desk - or was it slipped down my blouse? - which I then interpreted as a proposition. It reads:
Gilly came from out on Staten Island
In the Senate backroom she was everybody's darlin'
But she never left her bed
Even when she was giving Harry head.She says, Hey babeTake a walk on the wild sideI Said, Hey babyTake a walk on the wild sideAnd the New York girls goDoo do doo do doo do do doo...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
DE-Sen: What Happened There? I'll Tell Ya.
Nothing has changed but I will not badmouth her at this point and focus on her positives. I don’t believe in propping up candidates like O’Donnell. Yes, she’s a trainwreck. But she’s OUR trainwreck now and I stand by her.
I understand Delaware is a 33/33/33 type state but if there’s one group of people I blame for this loss, it’s the moderates who switched their registration to Independent from Republican and tipped the election to O’Donnell. If Moderates really cared about improving politics and finding their voice, they should have registered Republican and fought for influence in our party. Instead, they were lazy.
The fact that Independents couldn’t vote in the primary was their own doing. They switched, they abandoned the party so they have no say in the GOP. They put themselves in that situation. And when they were awakened to vote, it was too late. Everyone needs to be engaged in the political process if we want to reign in government.
Castle had no route by the time he realized it was a race. The movement was bigger than him or O’Donnell.1. He could have ignored her and she would have won.
2. He could have told the RNC to chill out on their attacks and he would have looked weak.
3. He could have gone nastier and motivated the other side more.
Castle is a RINO (and I do not use that word in derogatory fashion) in that all these years, he’s been counting on I and D voters to put him in office.
The problem is that he and his Moderate base expected a coronation. Starting in 2009, he should have made voter efforts to reach moderate Independents and told them to register Republican. That was his only route to victory. But you don’t just neglect your state GOP and expect the remaining base (you have little in common with) to vote for you. That's bad business.
I hang it on Castle and the moderate movement that doesn’t know how to organize and just bitch/whine when things don’t go their way. The Cap/Trade vote was just one of many straws.
The primary tested his fortitude and the Castle had a shitty foundation.
There are two wings: (1) the wing of "I hate the establishment (RNC, NRSC, etc). Incumbents must go down" and (2) the wing that is only concerned with winning races and getting more Republicans in. Both are flawed.
A lot on here are going to act like the RNC dumping her is such a mean thing to do. It is the wise, strategic thing to do.
“Oh, those damn RINOs!” I don’t subscribe to that simplistic crap some are espousing. The RNC is making the right move and letting the Tea Party do its thing. Both elements must work together and balance each other out to be effective causes. It’s easy to go and rewrite history, and say Brown’s wasn’t a Tea Party victory in Massachusetts. It was RNC and Tea Party working in perfect harmony to pull off the impossible.
I’ve met Cornyn and have heard his personal story. As you understand politics and people, you realize that perception is just that. It’s not necessarily reality. NRSC’s job is to win. Nothing personal.
NRSC steps out of the race and lets O’Donnell be the grassroots poster child, lets her raise copious amounts money and if she becomes competitive and if it’s financially viable, the NRSC comes in and helps OD cross the finish line. Contrary to what the Tea Party grassroots would claim, I doubt the NRSC is as emotionally invested. They have a job to do: it’s to win races. The prudent thing to do now is to modify your strategy and that’s what the NRSC is doing.
The people who cut checks to campaign causes are emotional voters. The ones that really want to stick it to the establishment and will take this statement as a personal affront. The NRSC knows that.
The worst thing they could do right now to dampen momentum is to endorse O’Donnell and ruin her “street cred” so to speak.
They will fall back in line if/when she raises enough to be competitive against Coons.
The best strategy for Republicans to take the Delaware seat is a dead one but for argument's sake, I'll lay it out. I would encourage Mike Castle to run as an Independent or write-in as this helps either him or O’Donnell win the seat (Castle would bring down Coons’ total for O’Donnell or cruise to victory himself).
However, that is moot as he has declined to do so and despite what many say here, I believe he is an honorable man as evidenced by the way he decided to stick to his moderate guns during his campaign. His concession speech will also give an insight into his character. He’s a true principled moderate, not like Crist or McCain, as much as most voters want to lump him in with the 2 aforementioned politicians drunk on power. You can put Murkowski in that mix.
I think O’Donnell is a very articulate woman. She is also a marketing expert. Little subtle things she did like put a black man behind her in the victory speech, the way she ran her primary, etc. She may win despite her resume.
Anyone who claims they know the November outcome and that she’ll definitely lose obviously doesn’t know politics and is full of crap.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Senate Battlegrounds: Metric Update
Senate Battleground Races (September 10, 2010):
Fiorina (R) 46 | Boxer (D) 46 | Tie |
Buck (R) 45 | Bennett (D) 44 | Buck +1 |
Kirk (R) 40 | Giannoulias (D) 38 | Kirk +2 |
Angle (R) 46 | Reid (D) 47 | Reid +1 |
Rossi (R) 48 | Murray (D) 47 | Rossi +1 |
Johnson (R) 46 | Feingold (D) 45 | Johnson +1 |
Thursday, September 9, 2010
2010 Senate Ratings Change: FL/KY Move To Likely GOP, WV To Lean Dem
Rand Paul also consolidates a strong double digit over-50 lead in latest polling. We will not count RV polls in our analysis, or internal polls. This race is looking safer by the day. KY receives an upgrade to Likely GOP. This leaves NH as the only seat the Republicans could possibly be playing defense in. With next week's nomination, we will have a better idea where this race stands.
Latest Rasmussen polling shows Governor Manchin in a much weaker position than previously thought. He is only leading his challenger by 5 points. Though Rasmussen moves this race to a Tossup, we still believe the Dem is favored and move the rating from Likely Dem rightward to Lean Dem. This is subject to change as more polling is released from this race.
Current Projections (September 9, 2010):
GOP: 49
No Race: 23 | Safe: 13 | Likely: 7 | Lean: 6 |
Dem: 48
No Race: 40 | Safe: 5 | Likely: 1 | Lean: 2 |
Toss-Ups: 3
SAFE DEM HI (Inouye) MD (Mikulski) NY (Schumer) OR (Wyden) VT (Leahy) | LIKELY DEM NY (Gilibrand) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) WV ' (Open) | TOSS UP CA (Boxer) NV (Reid) WI (Feingold) | LEAN GOP CO (Bennett) DE (Open) IL (Open) NH (Open) PA (Open) WA (Murray) | LIKELY GOP FL (Open) IN (Open) KY (Open) LA (Vitter) MO (Open) NC (Burr) OH (Open) | SAFE GOP AL (Shelby) AK (Open) AZ (McCain) AR (Lincoln) GA (Isakson) ID (Crapo) IA (Grassley) KS (Open) ND (Open) OK (Coburn) SC (DeMint) SD (Thune) UT (Open) |
Saturday, September 4, 2010
2010 Senate Ratings Change: WA Moves To GOP, OH Likely GOP
Latest polling showing high single digit leads for Ohio GOP Senate candidate Rob Portman, as well as support over 50 percent, have allowed us to move Ohio from Lean GOP to Likely GOP. His fundraising advantage, with millions more than Democrat Lee Fisher, and the nature of the electorate and wave this year, make it an easy call. The Democrats are defending too many seats and Ohio is not likely to see the funding Fisher needs to stay competitive.
Current Projections (September 4, 2010):
GOP: 49
No Race: 23 | Safe: 13 | Likely: 5 | Lean: 8 |
Dem: 48
No Race: 40 | Safe: 5 | Likely: 2 | Lean: 1 |
Toss-Ups: 3
SAFE DEM HI (Inouye) MD (Mikulski) NY (Schumer) OR (Wyden) VT (Leahy) | LIKELY DEM NY (Gilibrand) WV ' (Open) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) | TOSS UP CA (Boxer) NV (Reid) WI (Feingold) | LEAN GOP CO (Bennett) DE (Open) FL (Open) IL (Open) KY (Open) NH (Open) PA (Open) WA (Murray) | LIKELY GOP IN (Open) LA (Vitter) MO (Open) NC (Burr) OH (Open) | SAFE GOP AL (Shelby) AK (Open) AZ (McCain) AR (Lincoln) GA (Isakson) ID (Crapo) IA (Grassley) KS (Open) ND (Open) OK (Coburn) SC (DeMint) SD (Thune) UT (Open) |
2010 Gov Ratings Change: NM, CA, CO Move
CO: The GOP civil war continues between scandal-ridden Maes and spoiler "Independent" Tancredo. Despite pressure for Republican nominee Maes to drop out of the race, he has made clear he is staying. This splits the conservative vote and despite the Democrat Hickenlooper's own scandals, he will likely cruise to victory. We move this race from Tossup to Likely Dem.
CA: Meg Whitman pulls away to a solid 7 point lead in 2 of our most reputable pollster's latest surveys (Survey USA and Rasmussen). She looks likely to hold the Governor's mansion for Republicans in California. We move this from Tossup to Lean GOP.
NM: A similar situation in polling shows Republican Susana Martinez leading Democrat Diane Denish, including in local Registered Voter polls. This does not bode well for the Democrats and this is looking more and more like a GOP pickup by the day. We move this race from Tossup to Lean GOP.
Current Projections (September 4, 2010):
GOP: 31
No Race: 6 | Safe: 12 | Likely: 3 | Lean: 10 |
Dem: 14
No Race: 7 | Safe: 2 | Likely: 3 | Lean: 2 |
Toss-Ups: 5
SAFE DEM AR (Beebe) NY (Open) | LIKELY DEM CO (Open) HI (Open) NH (Open) | LEAN DEM CT (Open) MN (Open) | TOSS UP FL (Open) MD (O'Malley) MA (Patrick) OR (Open) RI (Open) | LEAN GOP CA (Open) GA (Open) IL (Quinn) ME (Open) NM (Open) OH (Strickland) PA (Open) TX (Perry) VT (Open) WI (Open) | LIKELY GOP IA (Culver) MI (Open) SC (Open) | SAFE GOP AL (Open) AK (Parnell) AZ (Brewer) ID (Otter) KS (Open) NE (Heinmn) NV (Open) OK (Open) SD (Open) TN (Open) UT (Herbert) WY (Open) |